Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, November 21, 2014

Park Si Hoo's signature at Jejudo : 2014/11/20

This signature ,
 Park Si Hoo has given to the owner of cafe called "David House" on Nov 20, 2014

Translated by Mei Park, thank you!

Uploaded in Weibo by : @whiterum88, thank you!

厚厚今天在此拍摄~留下了签名~ 挟才海水浴场附近的一家客房 叫
"David House(데이빗 게스트하우스)" 这家的一层是咖啡厅,对面就是美丽的飞杨岛!
参加日本活动的亲们, 若24日前到济州可以去看看~[哈哈][嘻嘻][亲亲]

" Park Si Hoo was there at a place nearby the beach called David House (a cafe)
 for filming for the movie that opposite to a beautiful Island called " Biyang Island "
 and Japanese fans who coming for the event on Nov 24, can go there and have a look "

Park Si Hoo wrote on the paper in Korean ::

"  데이빗하우스 "


" To David House "

He wrote in Korean with English pronouciation as in
 "David House"…. likes "dei-bis-hau-seu"

Credit :, thanks!

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