Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, May 30, 2014

Too hot in China!^^

Here is the funny post that we would like to share with you and many thanks to J.Ong 
who helped translating this article for all of us to understand, Such a great fan!^^

~ The original article ~

# To make it easy to follow the story I had broken the pictures into 4 parts, enjoy!^^
And have a great weekend, everyone!

1st line: Its hot! Too hot!

2nd line: Winter clothes yet to pack up and the temperature in Beijing is 41 degree Celsius!

3rd line: PSH says "let me teach you how to cool down like the ' Male God'."

Method 1: Get drenched in the rain

Method 2: Soaking wet in the swimming pool

Method 3: Seek shelter under the cool shade of trees in the park.

Method 4: Hide at home with the airconditioner on. Don't leave even if get beaten to death!

8th line: The above 4 methods are PSH's personal methods to cool down. 
You can give it a try with no worries. ^^

9th line: Below are some methods that are found on the web. 
You can give a try but with some caution...

God method 1: Multi usage watermelon. Create a watermelon armour.

God method 2: Remain submerged in a tank of water at home

God method 3: Have fun in the public fountain, (my guess) regardless of what others think!

Lastly PSH says: Hai! I am in Seoul, why am I worried about the summer heat in Beijing? 
My fellow production team and actors of "Scent", come to Korea to avoid the summer heat.

Translated by J. Ong, thank you!
Credit :, thanks!


  1. Funny and hot. The photos of PSH are so hot. Thank you for this post.

    1. You're welcome & Thanks to our friend, J. Ong!^^
