Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Good Luck! Park Si Hoo

      We know some things about Park Si Hoo’s new movie. We don’t know anything about the story behind the scenario.  I remember that, when Park Si Hoo was interviewed by the Japanese channel KNTV, Nov. 18,2013, he was asked: “Q:You’ve tried different roles and various genres, so what kind of roles and genres do you want to tackle in the future?
Park Si Hoo: I’d like to do a movie or drama of a beautiful love story that never dies or a sharp character with a dual personality that gives you goose bumps”. 

I guess at that time Park Si Hoo had read the scenario of “Scent” movie and he gave the answer thinking of it, so we can imagine that will be “a beautiful love story that never dies” as he said. 
       I’m more pleased with this choice than if he would choose to play a sort of damned hero.
~ * ~
      Park Si Hoo, you are a great actor.  You have demonstrated to the world your talent. The world recognizes also your wonderful qualities, your skills and your great potential. Now you restart from that level of excellence that you already achieved. 
      Be genuine, let the love flow through your heart, let your own light shine and the rest will come by itself. 
     Tomorrow will start your journey. If by miracle I could "put" something in your "luggage", this something would be the amazing mood that this song reveals.
Song: Feeling good (1964) covered by Michel Buble
Credit: tntfemale, Thanks!                              

Feeling Good

Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

I feel so good!

      Park Si Hoo, may you have a safe journey. May all your expectations be exceeded. May you enjoy every moment of your work. Good luck!

Credit: Lyrics from original Nina Simone, Thanks!
Credit: KNTV interview, Thanks!


  1. Dear Daniela, Happy Holidays to you! It seems that he got what he always want to do! The first pick with a Psycho path murder role & now come to the love story that never die. I know he will work very hard and do a terrific job as he always does. I just hope that his counterpart will have good chemistry with him on screen and her acting can reach to his level then nothing to worry about. Park Si Hoo will take care of the rest!^^ And I'm so happy that he pick a melodrama than action too! Thank you for this nice post and the music. You always have good ears for music too!^^

  2. Multumesc, Daniela pentru acesata postare si pt. toate celelalte postari ale tale. Toate sunt pline de sensibilitate si frumusete. Esti o persoana deosebita, un fan care face cinste lui Park Si Hoo. Tot tie iti apartine si postul meu favorit din acest blog: "You are " from Dolly Parton. Pentru toata implicarea ta pentru actorul si omul Park Si Hoo - pe care il admir si respect foarte mult - multumesc frumos! Iti doresc Sarbatori Binecuvantate pline de pace, bucurie, lumina! Dumnezeu sa te binecuvinteze pe tine si pe toti cei dragi inimii tale! Cu drag, Ana

    1. Draga Ana, iti multumesc din suflet ca ai vizionat postarile mele. Pentru mine este un vis implinit ca cineva de acasa sa le vada si aprecierea ta ma onoreaza foarte mult. Iti sunt profound recunoscatoare pentru acest comentariu, care imi incalzeste inima.
      Intr-adevar cantecul “You are” – Dolly Parton este propunerea mea, insa postarea (poze, editare, etc.) ii apartine lui Nikki, care m-a incurajat sa scriu si mi-a oferit colaborarea la acest blog, deschis tuturor fanilor lui Park Si Hoo – inspiratorul.
      Iti multumesc deasemenea pentru urari. Iti doresc toate cele bune si de folos sufletului tau, sanatate si La multi ani! Sunt fericita ca te-am cunoscut.

  3. Knowing Park Si Hoo he won't take the same kind of movie without another kind one in between. So I think there's a huge chance it will be the beautiful love story that will never never die. Though I think there will be obstacles to overcome as well.^^
    Thanks for this post Daniela.^^

  4. Draga Daniela, am uitat sa spun cat ma bucur si eu ca mai este cineva in Romania care il admira si sustine pe Park Si Hoo, mai ales dupa episodul nefericit din viata lui. Si postarile tale despre Romania sunt deosebite, ai surprins aspectele frumoase si pozitive din tara noastra. Ma bucur ca avem astfel de "oameni frumosi", cum esti si tu, in aceasta tara. Eu nu pot decat sa-ti multumesc din nou pt. postarile tale si sa te incurajez sa continui pentru ca ceea ce faci atinge inimile, si ai adus frumusete, bucurie, incurajare in momentele grele si sumbre pe care le-am traversat ca si fani ai lui PSH. Sunt onorata ca te-am cunoscut, Ana

    1. Iti multumesc inca o data pentru apreciere. Intotdeauna m-am gandit la fanii din tara, sa-i reprezint cat mai frumos. Putem fi noi insine intr-o familie de fani atat de mare, pe care Park Si Hoo o are in toata lumea. Este uimitor cum inspira unor oameni atat de diferiti aceleasi sentimente si o profunda recunostinta pentru ceea ce ne daruieste. Anul acesta a avut el nevoie de daruirea noastra, de incurajare, dar parafrazand vorba noastra "va fi iarasi ce-a fost si mai mult decat atat". Te imbratisez cu drag, Daniela
