Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Monday, September 21, 2015

TPM Interview in 2011 : Park Si Hoo : ‘I Feel Sad while playing Kim Seung Yoo’


Park Si Hoo: ‘I Feel Sad while playing Kim Seung Yoo’

Interview from KBS Global.
Oh man... oh Princess' Man...


Actor Park Si Hoo will transform into a man bent on revenge in the KBS drama “Princess’ Man.”
Park Si Hoo (33), who has caught viewers’ attention by presenting enthusiastic acting that seems 
to break one of the barriers that has kept him back so far, said, "I have to express my feelings 
too much in the drama, so I usually become totally exhausted after filming. Once filming begins,
 I usually fall into a trance and I do not know how I am acting until I watch the drama later 
on TV.” Thanks to passionate acting by the protagonists, the drama is rising in popularity, 
recording twenty percent viewer ratings on September 1.

Right after the episode of “Princess’ Man” was broadcast on September 1, Park Si Hoo gave 
a telephone interview and he said, “I have usually played a character of the head of a department 
in dramas, and I really wanted to play something different, so I am very satisfied with the role 
that I am playing in this drama, and I feel a kind of catharsis while acting. In addition, 
I am filming the drama pleasantly as I am getting a favorable response from people.” 
He has played similarroles so far in dramas such as a rich man or a cold lawyer, 
and even though he could gain popularity by playing these similar characters, 
he had faced the risk of stunted growth as an actor 
if he did not try something new and make changes.

He played a “prince charming” consecutively when he appeared in the dramas 
“What’s Your Star?” “How to Meet a Perfect Neighbor,” “Family Honor,” “Princess Prosecutor,”
 and “Queen of Reversals,” and he once said when he had filmed “Queen of Reversals,” 
“I deluded myself into the pretense that I had actually become a prince.” At that moment, 
he came to play the character Seung Yoo in the historical drama “Princess’ Man,” and 
the character whom he plays will transform into a man bent on revenge overnight. 
His father Kim Jong Seo and his older brother were brutally killed by Soo Yang Dae Gun, 
and he was exiled to the Kanghwa Islands and came back to Seoul after experiencing 
a great struggle that threatened his life. The drama will focus on his revenge from now on.

Park Si Hoo said, “Kim Seung Yoo was only a handsome young man before, but he will 
completely transform into a physically violent man bent on vengeance after going through 
many difficulties, and I am very much thrilled about playing this dynamic character 
in the drama. I feel very satisfied with the fact that I can present various appearances 
in the same drama. I have always wanted to play a different character, and I am playing exactly 
what I have wanted now. The situation of the drama is very spectacular. I filmed the scene 
in which I was exiled to the Kanghwa Islands in the beginning of filming, and it looked 
very nice. I struggled to survive in a boat while in chains and I had to escape into the water. 
The scene was very tough, and I had many difficulties while filming the scene, 
but I felt very good that the scene looked very thrilling.”

Kim Seung Yoo plays a seemingly invincible person in the drama. He escapes 
from the throes of death many times. He survives in the worst situation and takes the lead 
in the subsequent adventures. Park Si Hoo said with smile, “Usually the protagonist is invincible
 in any work. I watched the drama ‘IRIS,’ and I found out that the protagonist never died even 
after taking many gun shots.” He used to wear a suit or stylish costumes in his drama up 
to now, but he fell into the role of a beggar with disheveled hair in the drama. But his gaze 
and facial expression become more vitalized and lively contrary to his degrading appearance.
 In particular, Kim Seung Yoo becomes mute after his family members were all exterminated. 
He expresses his emotion only by using his eyes, and his acting with his eyes looks very natural. 
His actinghas been rated to have exceeded expectations and his acting has improved as 
the drama progressed. He could also successfully abandon his previous images that 
he had obtained by playing a character of the head of a department in a company in other works.

Park Si Hoo said, “My acting seems to have become better as I have appeared 
in many works. Actually I did not notice that Kim Seung Yoo lost his words in the drama 
because I had to film the drama every day in frenetic situations. I recently slept for only 
ten minutesover three days. It was very difficult to film the drama and I stayed awake 
for two nights and three days. People around me told me that I had less lines in the drama 
and I finally noticed that I do not have many lines in the drama after Kim Seung Yoo became 
a silent man (laugh).” His acting in which he struggles with anger, swings a sword with 
eyes burning with anger, and expresses his painful emotions seems very natural without 
any exaggeration, so his natural acting easily let viewers empathize 
with his character in the drama.

In addition, Park Si Hoo presents a more mature appearance in the romance with the daughter 
of his enemy, Se Ryung (Moon Chae Won). Park Si Hoo said, “I like this tragic melodrama 
even though I feel very sad at the same time. What if the same thing happened to me? 
I would not know what to do. Can I go somewhere with her to live together regardless of 
my father’s death? Kim Seung Yoo is now very lonely in the drama, so I am very curious 
about the following stories with Se Ryung. I was very excited when Seung Yoo kidnapped
 Se Ryung. The scene looked very heart-rending.”

“ The Princess’ Man” will be produced as a total of twenty four episodes, and it has aired 
fourteen episodes so far. At the end of the fourteenth episode, Se Ryung was shot by an arrow 
instead of Seung Yoo and collapsed. Park Si Hoo said, “I have been very busy and I do not 
have time to read the script. I received the script for the fifteenth episode, but I do not know 
what will happen to Se Ryung because I could not read the script yet.” He smiled. 
He continued, “People are very curious and worry about how the story will develop 
in the future, but you do not need to worry about it. There will come many exciting stories 
after the political battle. Seung Yoo will add momentum to his revenge and he will confirm 
Se Ryung’s love towards him.” About the ending of the drama, he said, 
“I think that a sad ending will be more suitable for this drama than a happy ending. 
But I do not know. I intentionally did not ask the writer about the ending. 
I am perfectly immersed in Seung Yoo’s emotions now and I am also following 
the development of the story.”

Park Si Hoo debuted at the relatively late age of twenty seven and he has been acting 
for six years since his debut. Asked what makes him act, he answered, “Filming itself 
is very difficult. We have to follow a very tight filming schedule, and there are many risks 
facing us such as car accidents, but I feel filming the drama is worth it even in 
this difficult situation when I watch every episode on TV, and every episode forms 
one perfect work of drama after it has been completed. I can forget about all those difficulties 
when I watch the drama on TV. I become even more happy if the drama earns 
favorable responses. I have the same attitude about acting now. 
I am trying to enjoy filming any work regardless of 
the importance within the drama. I have come a long distance since 
it is a historical drama. In any event, I hope that 
we can finish this drama without any trouble.”

Posted by Ethlenn, thank you!


  1. This is definitely my favorite character and performance so far! It was so very well done!! Besides it was in this role where I first saw Sihoo! Calling my attention his charm and anger.

    1. It's the best period drama ever for me! I didn't watch much period drama so it's just my opinion!^^

    2. It is the best for me too! simply excellent!!
