Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, September 10, 2015

PSH's in Italy : Let's follow Park Si Hoo to Villa d'ESTE, Tivoli

Source by Arianna, thank you!

Link for more information :

After this picture was everywhere on the internet, 
we immidiately wanted to know where he went ?
Sure...No one can answer us better than his local fans!^^

And here we are....
With a little research then we get informations , Photos, and VDO for you!

Let's follow Park Si Hoo to....

" Villa d'ESTE, Tivoli "

Whate is Villa d'ESTE ?

The Villa d'Este is a villa in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy. 
Listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, 
it is a fine example of Renaissance architecture and the Italian Renaissance garden. 
As a State Museum, Villa d'Este since December 2014's run by the Polo Museale del Lazio.

VDO tour to see the Villa 
( Around minute of 1:45, it will show you the area PSH took his selfie )

Credit :, thank you!

From the photos below, we will see the same view, same location Park Si Hoo took his selfie.
But please be aware that selfie pictures always look opposite from the way it's suppose to be!
( The terrace in PSH's selfie was opposite site from the original picture. )

                                      From selfie                                                    from original image

This specific area called 
" Park of the Villa d'Este, Carl Blechen "

Let see more
( PSH took his picture around the same spot the big group of people standing )

Now, we will look down from the top of the tall building 
behind the water fountain that appeared from PSH's picture.

Description from the website :

The systems and engineering for moving such massive volume of water was very interesting 
to notice, one example here up either side of these steps. View up to the villa 
from lower terrace. Many stairs to climb back up.

( Look like our PSH got his worked out done here^^ )

Keep looking down

( You see the person in white shirt standing in the middle of the road, 
that is the same area PSH took his selfie by turning his back toward the fountain)

This painting below was taken in 1830

Please read the description :

Park of the Villa d'Este, Carl Blechen, 1830. 
The overgrown garden appealed to the Romantic imagination; 
Today this same view is once again manicured

Hope you enjoy the tour with Park Si Hoo

Let's see where he will take us to next ?^^

Credit :, thank you!


  1. So beautiful ! Nice of PSH to share his pics in Italy with his fans. Thanks PSH ! Thanks LookMoo, Nikki and Arianna for the research and info on this beautiful place . Makes me want to go to Italy right now !

    1. You're welcome, Sue Lynn! Let hurry up! How about this weekend before he's heading back home!^^
