Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, August 14, 2015

Sihoorang's announcement : Charity event on August 29!

Sihoorang just released today the enrollment to participate in the charity 
with Park Si Hoo for helping boys and girls in Wuhan including fans signing activities. 

The registration starts from 

August 14 - August 23, 
activity time is at 6:00 pm on August 29 (Korean time) , 
Venue: MBC Arts Center, Busan city


วันที่ 14 - 23 สิงหาคม
งานเร่ิม 6:00 pm ในวันที่ 29 สิงหาคม ( เวลาเกาหลี )
สถานที่ : MBC Art Center ในมือง Busan

From Sihoorang : 

8월29일 자선행사 안내입니다|

The August 29 Charity Events |

시후랑님들 안녕하세요

8월 29일 토요일 6시  부산MBC 삼주아트홀에서 실시하는

'후베이성 우한시 소년소녀 가장돕기'  배우님 자선행사

신청 안내입니다

Hello members

Saturday, August 29, conducted three weeks in Busan MBC Hall at 6:00 pm

"The boy helping girl Hubei Province woohansi 'actor's charity event

The Application Guide

◆ 국내팬  당일 사인회 참석비용은  한화 40만원정도로 책정되었으며
    중국 인터파크에서 판매예정입니다  
    판매 시작되는대로 추후 알려드리겠습니다. 

  ◆ Domestic fans attended autograph session on the day costs 
about ₩ 400,000 won was formulated

    It will be sold in China Interpark

     We inform future start as soon as sales.

◆ 와이앤파트너스측 신청방법
◆ Wi-side application method and Partners

 1) 접수기간  :  8월 14일 ~ 8월 23일 

  1) Submission Period: August 14 to August 23

 2)  전 화

 2) Phone

 3) 이메일

  3) E-mail

4) 위 쳇
    아래 큐알 코드로 접속

4) The above check
Access code below

Credit :, thank you!

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