Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Saturday, December 13, 2014

PSH's Hoodies for charity : Japanese fans went to show their support to our actor

Uploaded by 依然爱你的微笑 : Still love your smile
朴施厚欣然参与和明星一起创造更好的世界。推出了两件自己平时最喜爱的夹克帽衫,这个消息公布后朴施厚的海外粉丝们迅速传开她们马上来到明洞。 特别是12日下午不顾凛冽的暴风雪,很多日本粉丝访问了现场形成了人山人海。她们来到朴施厚外套所穿的模型前挽着胳膊拍照灿烂的微笑兴奋不已,甚至亲吻外套

Translated by google, thank you!

Park Si Hoo is pleased to participate and stars together to create a better world. 
He had contributed two of his favorite hoodies. And after the announcement spread quickly, Park Si Hoo's oversea fans immediately went to Myeongdong. Especially on the 12th 
in the afternoon despite the windy snowstorm, many Japanese fans formed a sea of people
 to visit the site. Before they came to the Park Si Hoo's coat worn by the models and 
took their photos, holding his arm with brilliant smile looked so excited, 
and even kissing his hoodies too!

Credit :, thanks!

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