Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Friday, January 17, 2014

Twitter : Hoo_factory

이제 보름을 넘기며 순조로운 촬영진행으로 모두들 만족도가 높다고 합니다. 해서 더욱 기대되고 기다려집니다. 응원해주시는 모든분들 즐거운 주말 보내세요~
(사진은 미국체류 중 캠핑모습)

Translated from Korean by Bing Translator
(A #박시후)(#향기)
 It has taken over a fortnight now, Shooting as smooth as everybody expects.
There is a high degree of satisfaction is waiting further..,
Have a lot of fun for the weekend everyone, cheer ~
(The photo shows the scene in the United States during his stay for camping)

credit :, thank you!


  1. Thanks for leaving this last tweet of Si Hoo for us Nikki.^^

  2. Nice picture.Thanks for this tweet, Nikki. and thanks for all the news about SiHoo!

  3. Wilma, Anonymous, and all : As I said before this is my gratitude to you & your love for Park Si Hoo! And to make sure none of us will get to see or read his latest picture or news as soon as possible!^^

    And sorry for late reply everyone, I will try to get back to you guys within 24 hrs if I can!
