Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Park Si Hoo is Love

Posted at Park Si Hoo official Korean fancafé "Sihoorang" 2013/11/06 at 09:00 pm KST.

Credit: The80Page, thank you!

Love appears to us in many different shapes. We all know the love for our family, friends and that one special person you have fallen in love with.

Love is also to rise out above yourself. To fight for something or someone which/who is important to you and has been wronged.

To me Park Si Hoo is the personification of Love. His warm personality, his love for all that lives, inspires me to open up when I use to keep silent.
The mutual love for Park Si Hoo unites us to one big family. Like he cares for us, his fans, we care for him. That's why we stand tall for him and show him our love and support whenever we can. We do, because Park Si Hoo is worth it!

Life teaches us many lessons. "Lessons in Love" is one of them.

Credit: original photos from, thank you!
Photos edited by Wilma(Peris)


  1. Wow! beautiful song and great words....thank you Wilma^^
    You always have a good & great words for him^^

    1. Thank you CSI. I'm always trying my best. Especially for Si Hoo.^^

  2. ✿ Nice post ^^ Thank you, Wilma ✿
