Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

JOFC : PSH's New Picture

As Jami & Dami mentioned in their latest tweet that JOFC will change PSH's picture in the front page  and sure they did! Oh! How do  you think?

Link to see by yourself :

Here the pictures : 

Too good to come only one!^^

Credit :, thank you

credit :, thank you!


  1. The color of orange suits Si Hoo very well. He looks good in the picture. They have made a good choice changing their header this way.^^

    What surprised me is that their banners at the front page only refer to Japan related sites. Not even a link to his official Korean Fancafé Sihoorang. Wow, they call the French chauvinistic, but the Japanese business people show the same characteristics. Of course, I don't refer to the Japanese fans. They don't stick to JOFC only....

  2. I always like orange on him. It makes him look younger, kind, happy, cheerful! All the feeling that fans concern about him. If these pictures're really recent so I don't think we have to worry about his beautiful smile to be gone again, it's back and it's more beautiful than ever!

    Every coutries have their own custom or the way they do thing but I still agreed with you, it's kind of odd when SHR put JOFC's website in the front page.

    1. I don't think it's an old photo because of the date on it - 13.06.17. In Korean it's year first, then the month and finally the day. It could be 19 as well, because it's a very round 7.

      We've seen his photos from LA. His smile didn't leave him at all.^^

    2. Please check your email, Wilma!^^

  3. I Love his pictures, bright and lovely. If Korean Dramas and Movies are targeted for the market in Japan, then PSH should focus on Japan which I would assume he might be already planning; then it will show the Korean Entertainment bosses - if they close their doors other doors will open up (in most cases for the better). His fans will follow him. Personally I stopped watching Korean Drama-I’m waiting for his return.

    1. Hello! I totally agree with you. I believe PSH & Hoo factory already have their plan for 2014. That's the way PSH is, he always plan everything for the whole year as he always does. He knows this business deeper than all of us. His comeback will be slow but steady as the way he likes it to be but I'm sure he will make it as soon as possible . He understands his fans are crying out for him to return.

      And me too, I stop watching any K-drama without him on it since the incident. Just wait for him impatiently!^^

  4. Wilma, Nikki and group, thanks for this English blog.
    In any negative force there is always a positive, even with PSH's incident I believe many positive things will come his way.
    So far the big positive we can all I will assume agree to is the team work or efforts of PSH's fans and how they have come together (in voting & in his support at the previous award ceremony-just to name a few) for a common good to fight for PSH's abused rights by his fellow countrymen.

    1. Hello! Thanks for leaving your comment. We are always happy to hear this blog is appreciated.
      It is my belief that negative events in life eventually lead to more positive and happy events in the end when you have the strength to go through it. Afterwards this difficult year may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for our Si Hoo.
      I agree with you that one positive effect already is that Si Hoo's fandom has strengthened a lot and all his fans have joined forces to support Si Hoo the best possible way.
