Jewel of S.Korea

Jewel of S.Korea

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

QOR : Stunning seconds

I don't know what you think about this scene!
For me, it's kind of shock & unexpected!

~ In this scene ~

Tae Hee with her pink coat ( looking like ajumma^^)
Almost ready to wash her face with the warmth water she had just prepared. 
But all the sudden the guy came out from nowhere used her water and wash his face 
as if he were a prince who think everything belong to or prepare for him! 
And when you look at Tae Hee's face it's so hiralious but...more than that
What we didn't expect to see at all is...How stunning Yong Shik looked 
after he wiped his face with the towel. He's really gorgeous just that blink seconds

How handsome he can be with that smile on his face!

You are a truely lucky lady, Hwang Tae Hee!^^

Credit :, thank you!


  1. Yes! A wonderful smile! Handsome!

    1. He just looked like another person not the same Yong Shik the night before ( that cute one who had a wild dream! Hahaha! )
